Here's the outline of the Lexer class:
using System; namespace Calc { enum TokenKind { Eof, Number, LParen, RParen, Plus, Minus, Asterisk, Slash } class Lexer { private string _source; // the source text buffer private int _currentPosition; // an index into _source private TokenKind _kind; // the kind of the current token private int _tokenStart; // the start of the current token public Lexer(string source) { _source = source; NextToken(); } public void NextToken() { // [...] Written below } public TokenKind Kind { get { return _kind; } } public string TokenAsString { get { return _source.Substring(_tokenStart, _currentPosition - _tokenStart); } } public double TokenAsDouble { get { return double.Parse(TokenAsString); } } } }The most important method (the only method, for now) is NextToken(). The job of NextToken() is this:
- The invariant: when NextToken() is entered and exited, _currentPosition is either:
- At the very start of the source.
- Pointing at the first character after the last read token.
- Equal to _source.Length, indicating the End Of File condition.
- NextToken() must skip whitespace until there is no more whitespace, or EOF is reached.
- If EOF, set token kind to EOF and return.
- At this point, _currentPosition points to the first character of the next token. Mark this position as _tokenStart.
- Determine the type of token from the first character of the token. For example, if the character is '1', then the next token is a number of some kind. If the character is '"', then it'll be a string. If it's 'x', then it's an identifier. If it's '+', then it's an operator.
- Based on the type of the token, read in the rest of the token and set _kind as appropriate. This means that after this step _currentPosition is either at the end of the source or pointing to the first character that isn't part of the token just read.
using System; using System.Text; namespace Calc { enum TokenKind { Eof, Number, LParen, RParen, Plus, Minus, Asterisk, Slash } class Lexer { private string _source; private int _currentPosition; private TokenKind _kind; private int _tokenStart; public Lexer(string source) { _source = source; NextToken(); } public bool IsEof { get { return _currentPosition >= _source.Length; } } public void NextToken() { // Skip whitespace. while (!IsEof && char.IsWhiteSpace(_source, _currentPosition)) ++_currentPosition; // Check for EOF. if (IsEof) { _kind = TokenKind.Eof; _tokenStart = _currentPosition; return; } // The token starts here. _tokenStart = _currentPosition; // Determine token kind. if (char.IsDigit(_source, _currentPosition)) { do { ++_currentPosition; } while (!IsEof && char.IsDigit(_source, _currentPosition)); _kind = TokenKind.Number; } else { switch (_source[_currentPosition]) { case '+': _kind = TokenKind.Plus; break; case '-': _kind = TokenKind.Minus; break; case '*': _kind = TokenKind.Asterisk; break; case '/': _kind = TokenKind.Slash; break; default: throw new ApplicationException("Unknown character: " + _source[_currentPosition]); } // Skip past the single-character token. ++_currentPosition; } } public TokenKind Kind { get { return _kind; } } public string TokenAsString { get { return _source.Substring(_tokenStart, _currentPosition - _tokenStart); } } public double TokenAsDouble { get { return double.Parse(TokenAsString); } } static void Main(string[] args) { try { StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string arg in args) source.Append(arg).Append(' '); if (args.Length > 0) source.Length -= 1; Lexer lexer = new Lexer(source.ToString()); for (;;) { Console.WriteLine("Token: {0} => \"{1}\"", lexer.Kind, lexer.TokenAsString); if (lexer.Kind == TokenKind.Eof) break; lexer.NextToken(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } } } }Compile this with "csc Lexer.cs" from the .NET SDK, and try it out:
C:\> Lexer + - 3 * 7 - ( Token: Plus => "+" Token: Minus => "-" Token: Number => "3" Token: Asterisk => "*" Token: Number => "7" Token: Minus => "-" Token: LParen => "(" Token: Eof => ""That's enough of the basics of a lexer for the moment. We'll enhance this lexer to parse numbers with decimal points later. Next comes a simple parser.
Hi Kelly, This is really nice to see.. I need little help in the problem below
I am having a heavy string compression scenario which can be simple like 1000^1000 or 50000^50000.... so in the second case time increases exponentially.
I am using regex match now...wondering if switching to stack implementation will improve the performance.
my regex looks like [1,5][3,9][2,6][4,5][3,7]
my strings looks like 13647 or 13655 etc.
I don't think you posted enough information for me to figure out what you're trying to do. However, I do suggest that there is a better forum for your problem: Stack Overflow. You'll get a bigger audience there, and other people who have similar problems will more likely find whatever answers your question would turn up there, rather than here.
Eh, that would be
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